$45 in-writing review for:

One Flash Fiction (Less than 900-1000 words)

  • Feedback towards your work
  • Line-Editing
  • Advice and resources on submitting for publication

+ $10 Cover Letter and Artist bio Editing and Advice

  • Feedback on your cover letter and artist bio
  • Advice on what information to include and how

Please allow 1-4 weeks for us to get your feedback to you as we are able. 

Thank you for sharing your work with us and for the courage to have feedback/constructive criticism with your work! 

We are un-paid editors reading hundreds of submissions monthly for our regular published issues of OROBORO. Charging $ here helps to offset that time, labor and expertise when reading general submissions. In return, we take the reading of and feedback towards yours work seriously and want to take the time to give you the best, most personalized feedback towards your work as we can! We try to keep our pricing affordable and accessible because we believe in up-and-coming writers, writers outside of a university setting, writers outside of a robust writing community deserve the same time and attention to their work as anyone inside more established writing resources. 

We use Submittable to accept and review our submissions.